New Rock tab the designer Jose Matteos

New Rock tab the designer Jose Matteos as creative director of her new fashion line prêt-à-porter.The Spanish shoe company New Rock, recognized as one of the leading companies and consolidated national and international scene in the world of footwear, which also has lines of biker clothing, accessories, fragrances and more than 1,500 outlets in worldwide and showroons in Tokyo, Las Vegas, Moscow, Honkong, Madrid, Barcelona …, goes a step further in its business growth with its first foray into the world of fashion designer hand Jose Matteos . The Galician designer joins as creative director of fashion, in charge of the creation and development of the first fashion collection prêt-à-porter New Rock, collection will be presented in 2014 during the celebration of London Fashion Week.

Jose Matteos has extensive experience in the fashion world, where he has worked with companies such as Miriam Ocariz, Zara, Stradivarius, Corte Ingles, Alba Conde, Carmen Melero, Marga Novas, Candy … and is one of the usual Mercedes Benz designers Fashion Week Madrid, former Pasarela Cibeles. The working philosophy of Jose Matteos is a commitment to innovation, reinterpretation of fashion and good craftsmanship garments spirit that will feed into the work for New Rock, all without forgetting the rocker marked character of the mark.

New Rock based in Yecla, Murcia, has its roots in the shoemaking tradition of Ortuño family dating back to 1929, today is the 3rd generation, being in 1978 when the brand New Rock born, being present since its inception internationally.

His collections of shoes and accessories stand out as a unique system of manufacturing and modern design evolving, creating a product aimed at an audience that is committed to a new lifestyle. Also committed cinema New Rock, serves as her appearances in films such as Matrix, X-Men, The Fast and the Furious or Spanish Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi, and prominent celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham, Hugo Silva, Mario Casas , Carolina Bang, Joey Demaio or Rafa Blas (winner of The Voice), among others choose this Spanish brand as footwear design

Colection of José Matteos

Styling of Antonio Calvo

photography of Ruth Terleiro (Nolee photography)

nolee photography



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